Best way to build a full time career in podcasting?

Best way to build a full-time career in podcasting? [5 ways to monitize]

Before we get started I would like to share a famous podcaster Joe Rogan was paid 200 Million dollars to host his podcast on Spotify. 

Is it possible to make podcasts a full-time career? Yes It can be and there are a lot of people who are living the podcaster life and they are loving it

We are in an era where anything is possible, Now it’s way easier to turn your passion into a full-time career. 

And the podcast is one of those opportunities. 

If you can provide value to the audience and people love what they listen to then there are no limits for your podcast as well as career growth.

Now, how you can start it?

Figure out a niche

First, You need to figure out which niche you want to start in. This is the single most important discission you need to make, Also if you have more than 1 niche idea to start your podcast then you can try them out and find the best one that works.

What type of content you will create

Secondly, You need to know what and how you will create the content. 

There are many ways to do a podcast episode like Solo and Interview (It has had more than 1 host and guest) 

  • A solo podcast is you sharing something or doing some commentary 
  • An interview podcast is you asking the guests questions and you do a 2 way conservation, You will see many variations of this like some podcasts have 2 hosts and some have 2 guests or more.

What your ideal guests look like

Thirdly, you need to know who are the guests going to be

  • Are they the experts in the filled
  • Are they random people who are in the niche
  • Are they people from another niche
  • And so on.

You need to find who are your guests in case of an interview-type podcast.

Now the million-dollar question comes, How do I make it a career or how do I make money for living with a podcast.

Ways to make money with podcasting?

Premium Content

premium content

You can create exclusive content for your audience or you can deliver the podcast earlier to the paid members on Patreon or other platforms. These can also include Paid email content etc

2) Sponsorships or Ads


Sponsorships can come to you as you start growing your podcast also you can reach out to relevant brands that can be benefited by your podcast audience.

3) Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing - can you make money with podcasting

If you use and know products that are going to help your podcast audience then you can share about those, and give them your affiliate link to buy the products or services.

When they buy those products you can get some commission on it and the plus point you can also give your audience coupon codes if the affiliate company offers you.

It’s a win-win for you and your audience. 

4) Consultation business


You can promote your consultation services and earn money from it

5) Lead generation

lead generation

If you have a business selling products or services, You can promote it on your podcast and generate leads from it.

To read more on monetization you can read my article here –

So the money-making opportunities are huge, you can use the ones that are relevant for you.

I hope you found this article helpful, If it added some value to you do share it in the comments section, Thank you for reading.

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