how do podcasts work

how do podcasts work and how stuff works podcast?

First, let’s see what is the podcast and then will see how do podcasts work

Podcast is an audio form of content that is available on music and podcasting platforms and each podcast has an RSS code that resembles the podcast

How does a podcast start and what is the process before it’s available on audio platforms like Spotify?

We are through the complete process from recording to publishing and everything that happens around it

1) Host: reason behind how do podcasts work

podcast hosting

The hosting is the main element as it stores and distributes and delivers the content to people

There is a lot of podcast hosts from free to paid podcast hosting, you can go with the one that fits your needs.

In the beginning, I recommend you to start with a free podcast host like an anchor and once you see traction and see the growth then you can invest in a paid hosting

Here you need to set up your podcast before you publish your first episode, you will need to add name, description, podcast cover, category, and so on.

The podcast host is the foundation of your whole podcast.

2)Editing and Uploading to podcast hosting

podcast editing

Once the podcast is recorded, it needs to be edited like you need to add pre-roll, mid-roll, end-roll, and other things based on your podcast and your offerings

And after the editing, the episode is uploaded in a podcast host with a title and description and then it gets distributed which we are going to see in the next point

For editing, most people use software’s like Audacity for pc and Audio lab or Lexis audio editor

3)Content Distribution

Podcast distribution

Now, it gets distributed to different audio platforms where people can access/listen

Then the podcast content will be available to all the supported audio platforms that display your podcasts episodes like apple podcast, Spotify, google podcast, and other platforms your podcast hosting supports (mostly every hosting supports all the best platforms)

4)) Ready to consume

podcast ready to listen

Then the podcast episode is ready for your audience to listen whenever and where ever they want. It’s similar to YouTube, post it and it’s available on the channel

NOTE: This is just a brief understanding of how podcasts work, I will be adding more content in the coming weeks so if you would like to know, do visit back to the check-in

thank you for reading, have a great day

is podcast hosting free

There are free as well as paid, anchor provides the best free podcast hosting for podcasters

what are podcast hosting platforms

podcast hosting platforms that host podcast episodes, to name a few anchor and buzzsprout are best for podcasts

where can i host my podcast for free

you can host your podcast on for free

how much does podcast hosting cost

Paid podcast hosting cost start around 12 dollars and up

how to change hosting podcast

You can change your podcast hosting platform via RSS feed, you need to add your TSS feed into your new hosting and update it.

podcast hosting for spotify

You can host on any podcast hosting and it distributes your episodes to Spotify and other audio listening platforms


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Best microphone from basic to pro

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