podcasting on youtube

how to start podcasting on youtube [ best video podcast guide]

Podcasts main focus is audio but you can also create a video podcast as the main element of a podcast is audio that is already present

So, most people call this video podcast hosted/uploaded on YouTube that is the best video platform and second largest search engine and also it has AdSense

And video is a powerful medium of content.  

Benefits of video podcast:

With more efforts comes more opportunities and growth and with videos, the benefits are Huge considering YouTube as a dominator in videos

more Reach


You will be posting it on YouTube and also other podcasting platforms which means you have added another source for people to access your podcast which will increase your exposure and thereby more reach for your podcast

More Audience


With the Increase in reach you will increase your audience base which will grow your podcast

More audience connection (interactive and attention grabber)

more conncetion

Video is powerful as it grabbers audience’s attention and keeps them longer when they on mobile, In the car people listen to audio podcasts when they are doing an activity that doesn’t require a lot of attention but on mobile while people are listening to podcast most of them like video podcast because they like to see as they connect better

Can Repurpose easily


You can film a video podcast and with a few clicks you can extract the audio and post it on the main podcast hosting software like an anchor, buzz sprout, etc

More revenue-generating opportunities – YouTube AdSense

revenue - podcasting on youtube

Once you complete the minimum metric to apply for the YouTube creator program, you will be able to earn extra revenue to google AdSense, and also you can do affiliate, sponsors, etc which will increase your revenue from your podcast.

Here is an article on how to make money with podcasting – https://guidepodcasting.com/can-you-make-money-with-podcasting/

How to do YouTube podcast/video podcasts:

Video podcasts process is similar but it includes more resources like a webcam or other camera-based on offline or online podcasts

How to do offline video podcasts 

First, you need to set up a camera and make sure both the guest or if solo podcast then the individual must be in a frame

Do a test run and check if the mic and camera is ready to go and after the test

Press record and film your podcast

How to do online podcasts

In online podcasts, you can use your laptop camera or webcam also some people connect Dslr to a laptop which is a rare case for beginners


You will need software like zoom etc to talk and record the podcasts

Before recording the podcast, a test run is always recommended because there are add-ons like webcam, microphone

And you are ready to record your video podcast

After you are done with the podcast you can edit the video podcast and then upload it on YouTube

Things to do after posting on YouTube 

Once you post it you must write a Great video title and thumbnail

  • Title: You can write a title based on a particular topic you talked about in the podcast episode or write a point that is the main highlight of the episode
  • Thumbnail: Create attention-grabbing thumbnail which can include an individual’s picture/ topics picture which some Text in it

The main focus must be it should make people click on it

  • Add Tags: add relevant, specific tags related to the podcast which will help you get In-front of your right audience

And done, these are the things you need to know to start podcasting on YouTube.

Conclusion – Start a video podcast or doing some extra work to do video podcast is worth your extra efforts, In the long run, it will help you grow your podcast audience and revenue and thereby creating more opportunities for you 

2 thoughts on “how to start podcasting on youtube [ best video podcast guide]”

  1. Pingback: Can you make money with podcasting? [8 ways you can do so] - Guide Podcasting

  2. Pingback: how to promote your podcast with 5 effective strategies

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