podcasting vs youtube

Podcasting vs YouTube what you should focus? [best platform to win in long run]

YouTube start been one of the top Content consumption for people as video content is on a boom now and the future of video is great


Does that mean podcasts are not growing? hell no recently the last couple of years podcast industry is booming and more and more people are listening to the podcast as it adds value to their lives and the nature of both video and audio is different

you may ask how? ill share in a brief

video requires you to Focus your eyes and ears and Audio requires only ears that means you can do other things while listening to a podcast

When do people listen to podcasts?

people listen to a podcast while doing exercise while driving and while doing less attention heavy or lightweight work

Click here to know when people listening to podcasts

is it a valid point? yes hundred percent, think for a second how long do people utilize time in traveling/driving, doing exercise at home or gyms

It a lot, on average a person travels in a car, bus and other transport at least 2 – 4 hours per day and when it comes to exercise the minimum is 1 hour per day

Now calculate this for a month and a year, how much time do you use in these activities? honestly its a lot

and if you use this time to listen to podcasts to learn new things, it will impact your life massively in terms of knowledge, self-development and it will reflect on your revenue.

my take on podcasting vs youtube is podcasting + youtube

when you combine podcast and YouTube your audience and your podcast will grow better than having only 1 channel (podcast), but it may not be true in some scenario

podcasting vs YouTube, I recommend you to do a podcast and share it on YouTube and podcast platforms as you will have the maximum possibility to reach more people

Related : 5-reasons-to-start-a-podcast

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